Product Object ( [quesabesde] => 0 [descripcion_quesabesde] => [ciao] => 1 [descripcion_ciao] => Entrega en 24/48 horas – Tienda en Las Palmas de G.C. desde 1974 [ultimas_unidades] => 0 [promocion_mes] => 0 [dropshipping_only] => [tax_name] => deprecated [tax_rate] => 0 [id_manufacturer] => 165 [id_supplier] => 0 [id_category_default] => 239 [id_shop_default] => 1 [manufacturer_name] => CACTUS [supplier_name] => [name] => CACTUS CABLE DISPARADOR SC-N1 PARA NIKON Y FUJI [description] =>

Cactus SC-N1 - Cable disparador Nikon/Fuji

Este cable va a transformar su V6/V5 Cactus de flash inalámbrico transmisor-receptor, en un dispositivo disparador inalámbrico. Un cable disparador es un dispositivo ideal para evitar la vibración de la cámara cuando se pulsa el botón de disparo. Se recomienda este cable disparador para la fotografía nocturna o tomar fotos en modo B.

Sólo tiene que conectar el cable en espiral del obturador de la terminal de control remoto de la cámara para el V5 transceptor X-Sync Puerto V6 y se puede controlar de forma inalámbrica el obturador de la cámara.

[description_short] =>
  • Conector de 3,5 mm niquelado en oro
  • Longitud del cable 26 cm y se extiende hasta 60 cm
  • Compatible con: Nikon (D810, D800E, D810A, D800, D700, D300S, D300, D200, D100 (via MB-D100 battery grip), D4s, D4, D3X, D3S, D3, D2H, D2X, D2Xs, D1X, D1H, D1, F100, F90X, F90, F6, F5) y Fujifilm (FinePix S5 Pro, S3 Pro; MZ-L, ZX-L)
[quantity] => 0 [minimal_quantity] => 1 [available_now] => [available_later] => Puedes realizar tu pedido ahora y te lo enviaremos cuando haya disponibilidad. [price] => 14 [additional_shipping_cost] => 0.00 [wholesale_price] => 0.000000 [on_sale] => 0 [online_only] => 0 [unity] => [unit_price] => 0 [unit_price_ratio] => 0.000000 [ecotax] => 0.000000 [reference] => 8357 [supplier_reference] => [location] => [width] => 20.000000 [height] => 20.000000 [depth] => 10.000000 [weight] => 2.000000 [ean13] => 4897035130125 [upc] => [link_rewrite] => cactus-cable-disparador-sc-n1-para-nikon-y-fuji-cactus [meta_description] => Duke Fotografia ✅ Comprar ✅ Cactus Cable Disparador Sc-n1 Para Nikon Y Fuji ✅ Oferta ✅ Garantía 2 años ✅ Envío en 24 horas ✅ [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => Cactus Cable Disparador Sc-N1 Para Nikon Y Fuji [quantity_discount] => 0 [customizable] => 0 [new] => [uploadable_files] => 0 [text_fields] => 0 [active] => 1 [redirect_type] => 404 [id_product_redirected] => 0 [available_for_order] => 1 [available_date] => 0000-00-00 [condition] => new [show_price] => 1 [indexed] => 1 [visibility] => both [date_add] => 2016-06-27 16:06:49 [date_upd] => 2020-10-18 17:00:10 [tags] => [id_tax_rules_group] => 58 [id_color_default] => 0 [advanced_stock_management] => 0 [out_of_stock] => 0 [depends_on_stock] => [isFullyLoaded] => 1 [cache_is_pack] => 0 [cache_has_attachments] => 0 [is_virtual] => 0 [id_pack_product_attribute] => [cache_default_attribute] => 0 [category] => cablesconectoresespigasadaptadores [pack_stock_type] => 3 [webserviceParameters:protected] => Array ( [objectMethods] => Array ( [add] => addWs [update] => updateWs ) [objectNodeNames] => products [fields] => Array ( [id_manufacturer] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => manufacturers ) [id_supplier] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => suppliers ) [id_category_default] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => categories ) [new] => Array ( ) [cache_default_attribute] => Array ( ) [id_default_image] => Array ( [getter] => getCoverWs [setter] => setCoverWs [xlink_resource] => Array ( [resourceName] => images [subResourceName] => products ) ) [id_default_combination] => 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[fieldsRequired:protected] => Array ( [0] => price ) [fieldsSize:protected] => Array ( [descripcion_quesabesde] => 255 [descripcion_ciao] => 255 [reference] => 32 [supplier_reference] => 32 [location] => 64 [ean13] => 13 [upc] => 12 ) [fieldsValidate:protected] => Array ( [promocion_mes] => isBool [ultimas_unidades] => isBool [quesabesde] => isBool [descripcion_quesabesde] => isReference [ciao] => isBool [descripcion_ciao] => isReference [dropshipping_only] => isUnsignedInt [id_shop_default] => isUnsignedId [id_manufacturer] => isUnsignedId [id_supplier] => isUnsignedId [reference] => isReference [supplier_reference] => isReference [location] => isReference [width] => isUnsignedFloat [height] => isUnsignedFloat [depth] => isUnsignedFloat [weight] => isUnsignedFloat [quantity_discount] => isBool [ean13] => isEan13 [upc] => isUpc [cache_is_pack] => isBool [cache_has_attachments] => isBool [is_virtual] => isBool [id_category_default] => isUnsignedId [id_tax_rules_group] => isUnsignedId 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[description] => Array ( [type] => 6 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isCleanHtml ) [description_short] => Array ( [type] => 6 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isCleanHtml ) [available_now] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isGenericName [size] => 255 ) [available_later] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => IsGenericName [size] => 255 ) ) [associations] => Array ( [manufacturer] => Array ( [type] => 1 ) [supplier] => Array ( [type] => 1 ) [default_category] => Array ( [type] => 1 [field] => id_category_default [object] => Category ) [tax_rules_group] => Array ( [type] => 1 ) [categories] => Array ( [type] => 2 [field] => id_category [object] => Category [association] => category_product ) [stock_availables] => Array ( [type] => 2 [field] => id_stock_available [object] => StockAvailable [association] => stock_availables ) [l] => Array ( [type] => 2 [field] => id_product [foreign_field] => id_product ) ) [classname] => Product ) [update_fields:protected] => [force_id] => [base_price] => 14.000000 [specificPrice] => [customization_required] => ) 1
Black Friday


ID de producto: 8357

EAN: 4897035130125

  • Conector de 3,5 mm niquelado en oro
  • Longitud del cable 26 cm y se extiende hasta 60 cm
  • Compatible con: Nikon (D810, D800E, D810A, D800, D700, D300S, D300, D200, D100 (via MB-D100 battery grip), D4s, D4, D3X, D3S, D3, D2H, D2X, D2Xs, D1X, D1H, D1, F100, F90X, F90, F6, F5) y Fujifilm (FinePix S5 Pro, S3 Pro; MZ-L, ZX-L)

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14,00€tax incl.

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Cactus SC-N1 - Cable disparador Nikon/Fuji

Este cable va a transformar su V6/V5 Cactus de flash inalámbrico transmisor-receptor, en un dispositivo disparador inalámbrico. Un cable disparador es un dispositivo ideal para evitar la vibración de la cámara cuando se pulsa el botón de disparo. Se recomienda este cable disparador para la fotografía nocturna o tomar fotos en modo B.

Sólo tiene que conectar el cable en espiral del obturador de la terminal de control remoto de la cámara para el V5 transceptor X-Sync Puerto V6 y se puede controlar de forma inalámbrica el obturador de la cámara.



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