Product Object ( [quesabesde] => 0 [descripcion_quesabesde] => [ciao] => 1 [descripcion_ciao] => ENTREGA EN 24/48 HORAS(TIENDA EN LAS PALMAS DE GC. DESDE 1974) [ultimas_unidades] => 0 [promocion_mes] => 0 [dropshipping_only] => 0 [tax_name] => deprecated [tax_rate] => 0 [id_manufacturer] => 130 [id_supplier] => 0 [id_category_default] => 84 [id_shop_default] => 1 [manufacturer_name] => GOPRO [supplier_name] => [name] => GOPRO MOORINGS FOR THE CAMERA (ATBKT-005) [description] => [description_short] =>

Add an extra layer of safety when using your GoPro in extreme conditions. attach adhesive anchors to your gear and secure the camera fasteners on the back door of the camera housing. if your GoPro is released, it will still be attached to the gear. the adhesive anchor can be removed by applying heat with a dryer and peeling it off.
helps prevent the camera from getting lost in extreme
conditions Fix adhesive anchors easily to a wide variety of gear
Including five adhesive anchors and five camera fasteners

[quantity] => 0 [minimal_quantity] => 1 [available_now] => EN STOCK [available_later] => You can place your order now and we will send it to you when it is available. [price] => 10.95 [additional_shipping_cost] => 0.00 [wholesale_price] => 0.000000 [on_sale] => 0 [online_only] => 0 [unity] => [unit_price] => 0 [unit_price_ratio] => 0.000000 [ecotax] => 0.000000 [reference] => 5204 [supplier_reference] => [location] => [width] => 20.000000 [height] => 20.000000 [depth] => 10.000000 [weight] => 2.000000 [ean13] => 185323000934 [upc] => [link_rewrite] => gopro-amarres-para-la-camera-atbkt-005-gopro [meta_description] => Duke Fotografia ✅ Buy ✅ Gopro Moorings For The Camera (atbkt-005) ✅ Best Price ✅ 2 Years Warranty ✅ Shipment in 24 hours ✅ [meta_keywords] => gopro gopro [meta_title] => GOPRO MOORINGS FOR THE CAMERA (ATBKT-005) [quantity_discount] => 0 [customizable] => 0 [new] => [uploadable_files] => 0 [text_fields] => 0 [active] => 1 [redirect_type] => 404 [id_product_redirected] => 0 [available_for_order] => 1 [available_date] => 0000-00-00 [condition] => new [show_price] => 1 [indexed] => 1 [visibility] => both [date_add] => 2014-11-04 10:16:05 [date_upd] => 2021-09-23 18:29:11 [tags] => [id_tax_rules_group] => 0 [id_color_default] => 0 [advanced_stock_management] => 0 [out_of_stock] => 0 [depends_on_stock] => [isFullyLoaded] => 1 [cache_is_pack] => 0 [cache_has_attachments] => 0 [is_virtual] => 0 [id_pack_product_attribute] => [cache_default_attribute] => 0 [category] => gopro [pack_stock_type] => 3 [webserviceParameters:protected] => Array ( [objectMethods] => Array ( [add] => addWs [update] => updateWs ) [objectNodeNames] => products [fields] => Array ( [id_manufacturer] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => manufacturers ) [id_supplier] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => suppliers ) [id_category_default] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => categories ) [new] => Array ( ) [cache_default_attribute] => Array ( ) [id_default_image] => Array ( [getter] => getCoverWs [setter] => setCoverWs [xlink_resource] => Array ( [resourceName] => images [subResourceName] => products ) ) [id_default_combination] => Array ( [getter] => 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[specificPrice] => [customization_required] => ) 1
Black Friday


Product ID: 5204

EAN: 185323000934

Add an extra layer of safety when using your GoPro in extreme conditions. attach adhesive anchors to your gear and secure the camera fasteners on the back door of the camera housing. if your GoPro is released, it will still be attached to the gear. the adhesive anchor can be removed by applying heat with a dryer and peeling it off.
helps prevent the camera from getting lost in extreme
conditions Fix adhesive anchors easily to a wide variety of gear
Including five adhesive anchors and five camera fasteners

Add an extra layer of safety when using your GoPro in extreme conditions. attach adhesive anchors to your gear and secure the camera fasteners on the back door of the camera housing. if your GoPro is released, it will still be attached to the gear. the adhesive anchor can be removed by applying heat with a dryer and peeling it off.
helps prevent the camera from getting lost in extreme
conditions Fix adhesive anchors easily to a wide variety of gear
Including five adhesive anchors and five camera fasteners

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