Product Object
[quesabesde] => 0
[descripcion_quesabesde] =>
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[descripcion_ciao] =>
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[id_manufacturer] => 211
[id_supplier] => 0
[id_category_default] => 61
[id_shop_default] => 1
[manufacturer_name] => PROFOTO
[supplier_name] =>
[name] => PROFOTO FLASH A2
[description] =>
[description_short] =>
[quantity] => 5
[minimal_quantity] => 1
[available_now] =>
[available_later] =>
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[supplier_reference] =>
[location] =>
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[height] => 20.000000
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[meta_description] =>
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[new] =>
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[redirect_type] => 404
[id_product_redirected] => 0
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[available_date] => 0000-00-00
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[show_price] => 1
[indexed] => 1
[visibility] => both
[date_add] => 2022-06-29 11:21:26
[date_upd] => 2024-06-15 04:00:35
[tags] => Array
[1] => Array
[0] => FLASH
[1] => A2
[2] => PROFOTO A2
[id_tax_rules_group] => 0
[id_color_default] => 0
[advanced_stock_management] => 0
[out_of_stock] => 0
[depends_on_stock] =>
[isFullyLoaded] => 1
[cache_is_pack] => 0
[cache_has_attachments] => 0
[is_virtual] => 0
[id_pack_product_attribute] =>
[cache_default_attribute] => 0
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[pack_stock_type] => 3
[webserviceParameters:protected] => Array
[objectMethods] => Array
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[update] => updateWs
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[id_manufacturer] => Array
[xlink_resource] => manufacturers
[id_supplier] => Array
[xlink_resource] => suppliers
[id_category_default] => Array
[xlink_resource] => categories
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[cache_default_attribute] => Array
[id_default_image] => Array
[getter] => getCoverWs
[setter] => setCoverWs
[xlink_resource] => Array
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[subResourceName] => products
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[setter] => setWsDefaultCombination
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[resourceName] => combinations
[id_tax_rules_group] => Array
[xlink_resource] => Array
[resourceName] => tax_rule_groups
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[getter] => getWsPositionInCategory
[setter] => setWsPositionInCategory
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[getter] => getWsManufacturerName
[setter] =>
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[getter] =>
[setter] =>
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[setter] => setWsType
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[resource] => category
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
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[resource] => image
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
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[resource] => combination
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[required] => 1
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[resource] => product_option_value
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[required] => 1
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[required] => 1
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[required] => 1
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[id] => Array
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[resource] => stock_available
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[required] => 1
[id_product_attribute] => Array
[required] => 1
[setter] =>
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[resource] => product
[api] => products
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[required] => 1
[xlink_resource] => product
[product_bundle] => Array
[resource] => product
[api] => products
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[get_shop_from_context:protected] =>
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[descripcion_ciao] => 255
[reference] => 32
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[fieldsValidate:protected] => Array
[promocion_mes] => isBool
[ultimas_unidades] => isBool
[quesabesde] => isBool
[descripcion_quesabesde] => isReference
[ciao] => isBool
[descripcion_ciao] => isReference
[dropshipping_only] => isUnsignedInt
[id_shop_default] => isUnsignedId
[id_manufacturer] => isUnsignedId
[id_supplier] => isUnsignedId
[reference] => isReference
[supplier_reference] => isReference
[location] => isReference
[width] => isUnsignedFloat
[height] => isUnsignedFloat
[depth] => isUnsignedFloat
[weight] => isUnsignedFloat
[quantity_discount] => isBool
[ean13] => isEan13
[upc] => isUpc
[cache_is_pack] => isBool
[cache_has_attachments] => isBool
[is_virtual] => isBool
[id_category_default] => isUnsignedId
[id_tax_rules_group] => isUnsignedId
[on_sale] => isBool
[online_only] => isBool
[ecotax] => isPrice
[minimal_quantity] => isUnsignedInt
[price] => isPrice
[wholesale_price] => isPrice
[unity] => isString
[additional_shipping_cost] => isPrice
[customizable] => isUnsignedInt
[text_fields] => isUnsignedInt
[uploadable_files] => isUnsignedInt
[active] => isBool
[redirect_type] => isString
[id_product_redirected] => isUnsignedId
[available_for_order] => isBool
[available_date] => isDateFormat
[condition] => isGenericName
[show_price] => isBool
[indexed] => isBool
[visibility] => isProductVisibility
[advanced_stock_management] => isBool
[date_add] => isDateFormat
[date_upd] => isDateFormat
[pack_stock_type] => isUnsignedInt
[fieldsRequiredLang:protected] => Array
[0] => link_rewrite
[1] => name
[fieldsSizeLang:protected] => Array
[meta_description] => 255
[meta_keywords] => 255
[meta_title] => 128
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[name] => 128
[available_now] => 255
[available_later] => 255
[fieldsValidateLang:protected] => Array
[meta_description] => isGenericName
[meta_keywords] => isGenericName
[meta_title] => isGenericName
[link_rewrite] => isLinkRewrite
[name] => isCatalogName
[description] => isCleanHtml
[description_short] => isCleanHtml
[available_now] => isGenericName
[available_later] => IsGenericName
[tables:protected] => Array
[image_dir:protected] =>
[image_format:protected] => jpg
[def:protected] => Array
[table] => product
[primary] => id_product
[multilang] => 1
[multilang_shop] => 1
[fields] => Array
[promocion_mes] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[ultimas_unidades] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[quesabesde] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[descripcion_quesabesde] => Array
[type] => 3
[validate] => isReference
[size] => 255
[ciao] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[descripcion_ciao] => Array
[type] => 3
[validate] => isReference
[size] => 255
[dropshipping_only] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt
[id_shop_default] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedId
[id_manufacturer] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedId
[id_supplier] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedId
[reference] => Array
[type] => 3
[validate] => isReference
[size] => 32
[supplier_reference] => Array
[type] => 3
[validate] => isReference
[size] => 32
[location] => Array
[type] => 3
[validate] => isReference
[size] => 64
[width] => Array
[type] => 4
[validate] => isUnsignedFloat
[height] => Array
[type] => 4
[validate] => isUnsignedFloat
[depth] => Array
[type] => 4
[validate] => isUnsignedFloat
[weight] => Array
[type] => 4
[validate] => isUnsignedFloat
[quantity_discount] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[ean13] => Array
[type] => 3
[validate] => isEan13
[size] => 13
[upc] => Array
[type] => 3
[validate] => isUpc
[size] => 12
[cache_is_pack] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[cache_has_attachments] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
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[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[id_category_default] => Array
[type] => 1
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedId
[id_tax_rules_group] => Array
[type] => 1
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedId
[on_sale] => Array
[type] => 2
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isBool
[online_only] => Array
[type] => 2
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isBool
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[type] => 4
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isPrice
[minimal_quantity] => Array
[type] => 1
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt
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[type] => 4
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isPrice
[required] => 1
[wholesale_price] => Array
[type] => 4
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isPrice
[unity] => Array
[type] => 3
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isString
[unit_price_ratio] => Array
[type] => 4
[shop] => 1
[additional_shipping_cost] => Array
[type] => 4
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isPrice
[customizable] => Array
[type] => 1
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt
[text_fields] => Array
[type] => 1
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt
[uploadable_files] => Array
[type] => 1
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt
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[type] => 2
[shop] => 1
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[type] => 3
[shop] => 1
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[type] => 1
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedId
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[type] => 2
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isBool
[available_date] => Array
[type] => 5
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isDateFormat
[condition] => Array
[type] => 3
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isGenericName
[values] => Array
[0] => new
[1] => used
[2] => refurbished
[default] => new
[show_price] => Array
[type] => 2
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isBool
[indexed] => Array
[type] => 2
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isBool
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[type] => 3
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isProductVisibility
[values] => Array
[0] => both
[1] => catalog
[2] => search
[3] => none
[default] => both
[cache_default_attribute] => Array
[type] => 1
[shop] => 1
[advanced_stock_management] => Array
[type] => 2
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isBool
[date_add] => Array
[type] => 5
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isDateFormat
[date_upd] => Array
[type] => 5
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isDateFormat
[pack_stock_type] => Array
[type] => 1
[shop] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt
[meta_description] => Array
[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isGenericName
[size] => 255
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[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isGenericName
[size] => 255
[meta_title] => Array
[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isGenericName
[size] => 128
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[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isLinkRewrite
[required] => 1
[size] => 128
[ws_modifier] => Array
[http_method] => 2
[modifier] => modifierWsLinkRewrite
[name] => Array
[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isCatalogName
[required] => 1
[size] => 128
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[type] => 6
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isCleanHtml
[description_short] => Array
[type] => 6
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isCleanHtml
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[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isGenericName
[size] => 255
[available_later] => Array
[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => IsGenericName
[size] => 255
[associations] => Array
[manufacturer] => Array
[type] => 1
[supplier] => Array
[type] => 1
[default_category] => Array
[type] => 1
[field] => id_category_default
[object] => Category
[tax_rules_group] => Array
[type] => 1
[categories] => Array
[type] => 2
[field] => id_category
[object] => Category
[association] => category_product
[stock_availables] => Array
[type] => 2
[field] => id_stock_available
[object] => StockAvailable
[association] => stock_availables
[l] => Array
[type] => 2
[field] => id_product
[foreign_field] => id_product
[classname] => Product
[update_fields:protected] =>
[force_id] =>
[base_price] => 1095.000000
[specificPrice] =>
[customization_required] =>
- Potencia máxima: 100 Ws.
- Rango de potencia: 10 f-stops (0,1-100 Ws).
- Tiempo de reciclado: 0,1-1,6 s.
- Estabilidad de potencia:<0,2 f-stop.
- Máx. f-stop a 2 m/100 ISO: 8.0 3/10 sin reflector externo.
- TTL: Sí.
- HSS: Sí.
Luz continua
- Tipo de lámpara: LED.
- Potencia máxima (lúmenes): 200.
- Rango de atenuación (%): 100-10%.
- Temperatura de color (K): 3500.
- Reproducción cromática (IRC): >80.
Conectividad inalámbrica
- Conectividad integrada: Profoto AirX.
Alcance operativo inalámbrico
- Con remotos de Profoto: 0,5-100 m.
- Con dispositivos Bluetooth: 0,1-30 m.
Características compatibles con Air remote
- Todas las características de los remotos Profoto Air, AirTTL y Connect.
Características compatibles con la aplicación
- Todas las características de las aplicaciones de cámara y control de Profoto.
- Batería: Batería de la serie A MkII
- Capacidad de la batería: Hasta 400 flashes a plena potencia.
- La batería se carga en menos de 2 horas con un cargador de baterías de la serie A.
Otras especificaciones
- Actualización de firmware: Sí, con Bluetooth a través de cualquier Profoto app.
- Célula fotoeléctrica/auxiliar de IR No.
- Puerto de sincronización externo: No.
- Adaptador para soporte: Sí, extraíble.
- Montura para paraguas: Sí, integrada en el adaptador para soporte.
Medidas y peso
- Anchura: 7,9 cm.
- Altura: 7,9 cm.
- Longitud: 12,6 cm.
- Peso: 495 g sin la batería ni el adaptador para el soporte. 773 g con la batería y el adaptador para el soporte.
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