Product Object ( [quesabesde] => 0 [descripcion_quesabesde] => [ciao] => 1 [descripcion_ciao] => DESCUENTO DE 118 EUROS PARA CANARIAS/ Entrega en 24/48 horas – Tienda en Las Palmas de G.C. desde 1974 [ultimas_unidades] => 0 [promocion_mes] => 0 [dropshipping_only] => 0 [tax_name] => deprecated [tax_rate] => 0 [id_manufacturer] => 8 [id_supplier] => 0 [id_category_default] => 157 [id_shop_default] => 1 [manufacturer_name] => CANON [supplier_name] => [name] => CANON EOS M6 MKII CUERPO [description] =>

Canon EOS M6 Mark II mirrorless digital camera

Combining high resolution with still images and video capabilities, the Canon EOS M6 Mark II has an elegant mirrorless body with a range of features to adapt to multimedia applications. Its 32.5MP CMOS sensor of APS-C size achieves greater image clarity, resolution and dynamic range, along with an appropriate sensitivity to ISO 25600 and low noise to adapt to work in a variety of situations. Combined with advanced image processing, this sensor is also capable of outputting UHD 4K30p and Full HD 120p video, as well as supports continuous still image capture rates of up to 14 fps with AF and AE tracking. The Dual Pixel CMOS AF provides 5481 selectable points for precise, smooth and fast focus for photos and videos, and Eye AF Servo support prioritizes subjects' eyes when photographing portraits. As a complement to the image capabilities, the EOS M6 Mark II incorporates a 3.0 "1.04m dot LCD touch screen, which has a 180 ° tilt design for front shots. In addition, the built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity allow you to pair mobile devices with the camera to transfer files wirelessly to share your photos and movies online.
32.5MP APS-C CMOS sensor
With an impressive high resolution 32.5MP APS-C CMOS sensor, the EOS M6 Mark II is capable of producing images with remarkable clarity and dynamic range, as well as a wide sensitivity range of ISO 100-25600 and low noise to support working in difficult lighting situations. The sensor and image processor also achieve fast performance throughout the camera system, including the ability to continuously shoot at up to 14 fps with AF / AE tracking, record 4K30p UHD video or record high-speed Full HD 1080p video at 120 fps
Dual Pixel CMOS AF systems
The Dual Pixel CMOS AF system features 5481 selectable autofocus points for refined accuracy in almost the entire image plane and is also compatible with Eye AF Servo for accurate focus accuracy on portrait subjects. This focusing system offers smooth and fast focus performance similar to how a camcorder acquires focus. Dual Pixel CMOS AF integrates two separate photodiodes within each pixel to provide a wide and dense network of phase detection collection elements in most of the image sensor to reduce the focus search for faster and more direct control of the focus location. When working with still images, this focusing system works to acquire focus quickly and accurately, which makes it ideal for shooting and tracking moving subjects so that a critical focus is achieved with each shot. When recording videos, a Movie Servo AF mode offers a smooth and natural approach when changing different subjects or different distances within the scene, as well as the ability to specify tracking sensitivity, AF speed and tracking priority of face. Benefited by the Touch AF system, the rack approach is possible simply by touching elements within the scene on the touch screen to change the focus in an intuitive way. Subject tracking in movies is also increased due to the ability of the Dual Pixel CMOS AF system to recognize subjects and maintain focus when working in changing or messy landscapes. The rack approach is possible simply by touching elements within the scene on the touch screen to change the focus in an intuitive way. Subject tracking in movies is also increased due to the ability of the Dual Pixel CMOS AF system to recognize subjects and maintain focus when working in changing or messy landscapes. The rack approach is possible simply by touching elements within the scene on the touch screen to change the focus in an intuitive way. Subject tracking in movies is also increased due to the ability of the Dual Pixel CMOS AF system to recognize subjects and maintain focus when working in changing or messy landscapes.
Body design and wireless connectivity
The large 3.0 "1.04m dot LCD touch screen provides an intuitive method to control focus points, navigate menus and review images. This screen also features a tiltable design (180 ° up, 45 ° down) to allow a better job from high and low angles.
Compatible with the optional EVF-DC2 auxiliary electronic viewfinder mounted on the shoe for clear and high-resolution viewing at eye level.
The LP-E17 battery provides approximately 305 shots per charge or up to approximately 410 shots per charge when working in Eco mode.

[description_short] =>


  • APS-C 32.5 Mpx resolution sensor
  • Ultra fast shooting burst at 14 fps (RAW burst at 30 fps)
  • Video recording in 4K 30fps quality with high sensitivity 25,600 ISO
  • WiFi + Bluetooth high speed wireless connectivity
  • 180º flip touch screen

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Product ID: 11315

EAN: 4549292136371

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Más información

  • APS-C 32.5 Mpx resolution sensor
  • Ultra fast shooting burst at 14 fps (RAW burst at 30 fps)
  • Video recording in 4K 30fps quality with high sensitivity 25,600 ISO
  • WiFi + Bluetooth high speed wireless connectivity
  • 180º flip touch screen

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895,85€tax incl.

943,00€tax incl.

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Canon EOS M6 Mark II mirrorless digital camera

Combining high resolution with still images and video capabilities, the Canon EOS M6 Mark II has an elegant mirrorless body with a range of features to adapt to multimedia applications. Its 32.5MP CMOS sensor of APS-C size achieves greater image clarity, resolution and dynamic range, along with an appropriate sensitivity to ISO 25600 and low noise to adapt to work in a variety of situations. Combined with advanced image processing, this sensor is also capable of outputting UHD 4K30p and Full HD 120p video, as well as supports continuous still image capture rates of up to 14 fps with AF and AE tracking. The Dual Pixel CMOS AF provides 5481 selectable points for precise, smooth and fast focus for photos and videos, and Eye AF Servo support prioritizes subjects' eyes when photographing portraits. As a complement to the image capabilities, the EOS M6 Mark II incorporates a 3.0 "1.04m dot LCD touch screen, which has a 180 ° tilt design for front shots. In addition, the built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity allow you to pair mobile devices with the camera to transfer files wirelessly to share your photos and movies online.
32.5MP APS-C CMOS sensor
With an impressive high resolution 32.5MP APS-C CMOS sensor, the EOS M6 Mark II is capable of producing images with remarkable clarity and dynamic range, as well as a wide sensitivity range of ISO 100-25600 and low noise to support working in difficult lighting situations. The sensor and image processor also achieve fast performance throughout the camera system, including the ability to continuously shoot at up to 14 fps with AF / AE tracking, record 4K30p UHD video or record high-speed Full HD 1080p video at 120 fps
Dual Pixel CMOS AF systems
The Dual Pixel CMOS AF system features 5481 selectable autofocus points for refined accuracy in almost the entire image plane and is also compatible with Eye AF Servo for accurate focus accuracy on portrait subjects. This focusing system offers smooth and fast focus performance similar to how a camcorder acquires focus. Dual Pixel CMOS AF integrates two separate photodiodes within each pixel to provide a wide and dense network of phase detection collection elements in most of the image sensor to reduce the focus search for faster and more direct control of the focus location. When working with still images, this focusing system works to acquire focus quickly and accurately, which makes it ideal for shooting and tracking moving subjects so that a critical focus is achieved with each shot. When recording videos, a Movie Servo AF mode offers a smooth and natural approach when changing different subjects or different distances within the scene, as well as the ability to specify tracking sensitivity, AF speed and tracking priority of face. Benefited by the Touch AF system, the rack approach is possible simply by touching elements within the scene on the touch screen to change the focus in an intuitive way. Subject tracking in movies is also increased due to the ability of the Dual Pixel CMOS AF system to recognize subjects and maintain focus when working in changing or messy landscapes. The rack approach is possible simply by touching elements within the scene on the touch screen to change the focus in an intuitive way. Subject tracking in movies is also increased due to the ability of the Dual Pixel CMOS AF system to recognize subjects and maintain focus when working in changing or messy landscapes. The rack approach is possible simply by touching elements within the scene on the touch screen to change the focus in an intuitive way. Subject tracking in movies is also increased due to the ability of the Dual Pixel CMOS AF system to recognize subjects and maintain focus when working in changing or messy landscapes.
Body design and wireless connectivity
The large 3.0 "1.04m dot LCD touch screen provides an intuitive method to control focus points, navigate menus and review images. This screen also features a tiltable design (180 ° up, 45 ° down) to allow a better job from high and low angles.
Compatible with the optional EVF-DC2 auxiliary electronic viewfinder mounted on the shoe for clear and high-resolution viewing at eye level.
The LP-E17 battery provides approximately 305 shots per charge or up to approximately 410 shots per charge when working in Eco mode.

Data sheet
Styles Body
Type of filter PL Polarizer

Canon EF-M lens mount
APS-C camera format (1.6x crop factor)
Real Pixels: 34.4 Megapixels
Effective: 32.5 megapixels
Maximum Resolution 6960 x 4640
1: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3, 16: 9 aspect ratio
CMOS sensor type
Sensor size 22.3 x 14.9 mm
JPEG, RAW image file format
Bit Depth 14 bits
Digital image stabilization (video only)
Exposure Control
Auto ISO sensitivity, 100 to 25600 (Extended: 100 to 51200)
Shutter Speed ​​Mechanical Shutter
1/4000 to 30 seconds
Bulb mode
Electronic shutter
1/16000 to 30 seconds
Measurement method Center weighted average, evaluative, partial, punctual
Exposure modes Aperture priority, manual, program, shutter priority
Exposure compensation -3 to +3 EV (1/3, 1/2 EV Steps)
Measuring range -2 to 20 EV
White balance Auto, cloudy, color temperature, custom, daylight, flash, fluorescent (white), shadow, tungsten
Continuous shooting Up to 14 fps at 32.5 MP for up to 23 exposures (unprocessed)
Up to 14 fps at 32.5 MP for up to 54 exposures (JPEG)
Up to 30 fps at 18 MP
Interval Recording Yes
Automatic timer 2/10 seconds delay
MP4 / H.264 recording modes
4K UHD (3840 x 2160) at 25p / 29.97p
Full HD (1920 x 1080) at 25p / 29.97p / 50p / 59.94p / 100p / 119.88p
HD (1280 x 720) at 50p / 59.94p
4: 2: 2 external recording modes
8-bit 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) up to 25p / 29.97p
Recording limit Up to 29 minutes, 59 seconds
NTSC / PAL video encoding
Audio recording Built-in microphone (stereo)
External microphone input (stereo)
AAC LC audio file format
Focus type Auto and manual focus
Focus mode continuous servo AF (C), manual focus (M), single servo AF (S)
Autofocus points Phase detection: 5481
Auto focus sensitivity -5 to +18 EV
Viewfinder and monitor
3 "monitor size
Resolution Monitor 1,040,000 points
Monitor type 180 ° tilt LCD touch screen
Built in an instant Yes
Auto flash modes, red-eye reduction
Guide number 15.09 '/ 4.6 m to ISO 100
Maximum sync speed 1/200 second
Flash compensation -2 to +2 EV (1/3 EV steps)
ETTL Dedicated Flash System
External flash connection Hot shoe
1 x SD / SDHC / SDXC memory card slot
Connectivity (new) USB Type C (USB 2.0), HDMI D (Micro)
Wi-Fi Bluetooth
GPS None
1 x LP-E17 rechargeable lithium-ion battery, 7.2 VDC, 1040 mAh (Approx. 305 shots)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 4.71 x 2.76 x 1.94 "/ 119.6 x 70 x 49.2 mm
Weight 14.39 oz / 408 g



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